Our Philosophy


 At Towse K9 Solutions, we strive to provide the best training and coaching to help our clients improve their relationships with their dogs. Through our scientifically proven methods--which involve effective communication, proper motivation, and consistent leadership--you will achieve your goals so you will have the dog you want, rather than settle for the one you have.

We believe that training dogs is like a pyramid, in the sense that it cannot work unless you start with a strong foundation. When teaching a dog new skills, we use positive reinforcement until the dog understands and reliably repeats the desired behaviors and only once they have mastered those skills can we demand reliability and hold them accountable. We believe balance and a clear right and wrong will produce the best results for both dog and owner. With clarity of communication, both dog and owner will achieve a greater understanding. Like you, we expect results, so we hold our clients to a high standard as training progresses. 

With our method, you can be sure that your dog will be confident and more reliable in any environment and situation, which as a result creates a stronger bond between you and your dog.